Desktop Components ShowcaseMobile Components Showcase
ace:messages - Overview

The <ace:messages> component renders all Faces messages, all Faces messages for a specific component, or all Faces messages not associated with any component. Messages can be shown with effects initially and/or when they change. Styling is done by predefined jQuery classes in theme stylesheets:

  • Info: ui-icon-info w/ ui-state-highlight css
  • Warn: ui-icon-notice w/ ui-state-highlight css
  • Error: ui-icon-alert w/ ui-state-error css
  • Fatal: ui-icon-alert w/ ui-state-error css
In the following entry form, empty text fields or texts fields whose value is the same as the label will generate sample Faces messages with sample effects. All other messages generated on other pages of this application for the current user will also be visible here.

Employee Info
All Faces Messages
Source Code