Desktop Components ShowcaseMobile Components Showcase
ace:clientValidatePattern - Overview

The <ace:clientValidatePattern> component can be nested inside of ACE & MOBI input components to perform client-side validation of an input pattern via regular expression.

In this demo validation messages will appear in an <ace:message> component.

This <ace:textEntry> accepts input in the form of a standard ip address from to, where none of the octets contain a number higher than 255. Any other type of input should cause a validation message to appear. A regex is hard coded into the ace:clientValidatePattern pattern attribute.


This <ace:textEntry> accepts an email address in the form of XXX@XXX.ZZZ, where the Xs can contain any reasonable amount of characters. The Zs must contain 2 or more letters.
If the "." or the "@" are missing a validation message should appear. A regex is hard coded into the ace:clientValidatePattern pattern attribute.

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