Desktop Components ShowcaseMobile Components Showcase
ace:tableConfigPanel - Overview

Features and functions such as column renaming, sortability, column ordering and sizing etc. in an <ace:dataTable> can be dynamically specified through the <ace:tableConfigPanel> component. In this example, click on the “gear” icon in the header of the rightmost column to access the configuration panel. Change the column names, visibility, ordering parameters etc. to the desired states. Click on the “arrow” in the configuration panel header to save the new settings or the “x” to ignore and return to prior settings. View the updates in the table below.

This demo also shows how to save the different settings specified through the configuration panel. Modify the settings as you wish and then click on the 'Save Settings' button. Then, click on the 'Restore Default Settings' button to view the table in its original state, and then click on the 'Restore Saved Settings' button to view the table as you had configured it.

1 Enduro Van 15383lbs. 10 17.86 $6,617.17
2 Tamale Bus 7331lbs. 15 16.65 $31,464.24
3 Doublecharge Pickup 5333lbs. 15 17.84 $10,922.73
4 Swordfish Bus 10956lbs. 5 5.17 $6,019.83
5 Iguana Pickup 1696lbs. 10 9.43 $19,736.16
6 Dart Motorcycle 9261lbs. 15 12.85 $37,947.84
7 Pisces Luxury 7846lbs. 10 15.13 $19,235.20
8 Flash Mid-Size 11499lbs. 10 12.74 $29,942.38
9 Tomcat Mid-Size 10766lbs. 15 7.04 $14,342.74
10 Passion Subcompact 2082lbs. 10 13.38 $8,015.01
false [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
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